Digital Data is required for all Ad Submissions
All ad space must be reserved by the 10th of the month prior to publication; and all ads should be finalized and approved by the 15th.
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
Printing Method: Web Offset
Color Reproduction: CMYK – no spot or Pantone colors. (We strive to match the colors as closely as possible but cannot guarantee a perfect color match.)
Accepted File Formats
PDF is the preferred file format for digital ad submission. All high-resolution images and fonts must be embedded in the PDF. Image size must be 300dpi when placed at 100%. Check with your Account Executive if there are questions about ad preparation. Publisher and word formats are not accepted.
Additional Charges
Ads submitted as “camera ready” should be built to the proper sized specifications. Should we have to alter or adjust an ad sent “camera ready” or spend more than 15 minutes accessing the file, the ad is no longer considered camera ready; and there will be a graphics fee of $45 per hour for revisions.
Bluffs & Bayous offers
FREE advertisement design.
Work with your Account Executive
for ad images and copy.
Bluffs & Bayous chronicles signature social and cultural events along and beyond the Mississippi — providing its readers a rich sampling of savvy, chic, and often sassy Southern life.
The Social Scene
• We accept only digital images in jpeg, tiff, or
pdf format.
• Images must be at least 1,024 pixels in any dimension.
• All photos must be of people who are focused on the
camera lens. No action shots.
All people must be identified.
• Include a short paragraph describing the event, date,
and location.
• Files may be emailed to or
saved to CD or jump drive and mailed to
Bluffs & Bayous Magazine
225 John R. Junkin Dr.
Natchez, Mississippi 39120
• We reserve the right to limit the number of pictures
and edit copy based on quality of images and
available space.
• When emailing pictures, make sure the files are not
compressed by any email application.
Calendar Events
Submit all events in your area to by the 10th of the month prior to publication siting date, event, town, time, admission, and contact information.
Engagement and Weddings
• Engagement — up to 4 images
• Weddings — up to 10 images
• All photos and copy are due by the 10th of the month
prior to publication.
• Announcement must be typed in story format.
• Include all contact information: name, telephone
number (home, cell, and work), mailing address,
and email.
• All photos must include printed identification of
people, other than bride and groom, in order of
appearance from left to right.
• Include a self-addressed and stamped envelope for
photo return.
• Submission fees due with submission.
Engagement Listing
Wedding Listing
Wedding Package
(Includes Engagement and Wedding Listing)